When you run alone, it's called a Race and when God runs with you, it's called Grace
"When you run alone, it's called a race and when God runs with you, it's called grace."
The word grace actually mean, "God runs with you in the race." Grace is something you do not work for nor do you deserve it, it is not you but God that works in you and that is grace.
The only way to truly win this race of life is to realize there is no race π
Winning is stopping. Going within. Finding happiness within yourself π
True satisfaction can only be found inside.
When we can be alone with ourselves, be at peace, and feel a deeper connection, this is what we have really been racing to find.
Running toward the next accomplishment will never be able to provide this.
It will only take us further away from what we’re hoping to feel.
So what happens when we stop?
It involves going deeper within, which can be a scary prospect for many.
Choosing to constantly be on the go is easier. It dulls the pain.
It means not having to really take a look at yourself. A superficial sense of satisfaction comes from feeling you have accomplished a lot.
Adrenaline can be a drug, providing a temporary rush.
Why do you have to accomplish things to be worthy? Are you reliant on completing tasks so that your life can feel some sense of purpose? What if by just being present and showing up consciously you were living your purpose?
What if instead of feeling constant pressure and anxiety, you could just be with what you were doing in the moment you were doing it?
Our thoughts are rarely focused on where we are.
They’re in the past, wishing we could change it, or in the future, creating false outcomes that will never usually come to fruition.
Both of these thought patterns are actually a form of insanity, and not based in reality.
The past is over. There is nothing we can do to change it.
The future will never come. Reality is always the moment we are in right now.
We can only truly live by stopping the race of the mind to the imagined future—by living in presence. By waking up from the dream that there is something out there that will bring satisfaction, turning inward, and taking responsibility for our lives π
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