No One Is Coming To Protect You. Its Your Life.. Its Your Responsibility

This Is Your Life.. No One Is Coming To Save You, This Life Is 100% Your Responsibility πŸ› 

I’m sure you have heard that quote “No one is coming to save you, this life is 100% your responsibility” There’s so much truth to this statement that a lot of people don’t let sink in.

You can reach out to as many people who love you and support you in this time of need, but the only person who is going to make that switch in the brain is You.

So yes, reaching out to loved ones for support is a great avenue to go down, but are they living your life? Are they the ones waking up in your body every morning? Do they have the same mindset as you? No they don’t. They can only do so much to help you.

They can make the effort to give you advice and comfort you, but 100% of the responsibility is on you to make the transformation in your life. You really only have two choices:

To keep living hurt, sad, and looking for advice when you have already received tons of it and pretty much give up or You can take the advice, digest it inside of your head and do something different than you have been doing during this time.
I like the second option way better. Giving up is not even an option. We have come way too far on this journey to just give up on our life that we have so much to offer to the world.


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